This is actually a post continued from my xanga! Huzzah. Moving on.
This past May I did a silly thing and moved back in with my Mom, which isn't too bad. Its this nice little house with lots of rhodies and english ivy(BAD stuff!). There are apple, plum, and cherry trees, a million Himalayan blackberry brambles and GRAPEVINES. I was so very happy about all this, especially the grapevines. I wasn't so excited when I found out there were brambles mixed in with a row of the grapevines, they were a bitch to cut out. Huzzah its done.
Another fantab idea my mom had was for us to get more laying hens and a few waterfowl. of course I agreed and now we have 26 hens, 11 ducks, and 4 geese. A few right? Not a chance. We finally got around to fencing off an enclosure for them last week, thank goodness. They had been running around backyard which was all fine and dandy, the epitomy of farm life, except that ducks poop a lot...on our deck. No bueno.
For the 3rd of July I had a blast. No really i did. Brandon's family does the fireworks show in Indy every year, and I got to participate. Unfortunately that meant spending a whole day backfilling a trench that was dug with the backhoe about 3 feet too deep. Oo yay. And then setting mortars, which are a piece of pvc with a cork bottom. the explosives are set in the mortars. Each inch in diameter is the equivalent to 100 feet in the air. Well first off i must say that blowing things up in your face seems incredibly wrong and unnatural, and probably the most fun I have had for 4th weekend ever. Whats even more crazy is that you are set up in teams and covered from head to toe in firefighting gear. The teams consist of one person lighting(me) and someone "backing you up"(creepy old guy). Back you up means putting out any flames on your back. Really. Crazysauce.
Spring term I decided to enroll in a Cuban Salsa class at the University which was incredible fun and I have fallen in love with Casino style. Sadly the class was only ten weeks long and I'm under 21 so I can't go to Latin X Night at Cantina. Bummer. Fortunately the Cuban Salsa Club on campus has open practice at the Women's building, but I have not gone once this summer. Why?! Why?!! Ugh.
Brandon asked for help to demolish a giean pick up sticks pile of wood at his grandparents' house. It was supposed to be a pretty standard task. Arrange the wood into what can be cut with the miter saw and what has already been cut and to stack it. Okay, no problem right? WRONG-O! We were just tackling this woodpile when Brandon went inside to grab the radio. I moved a single piece of wood and saw a few fuzzy Bumble Bees. I figured it was no biggy and I kept workin away. Approximately two minutes later there are bees everywhere. We opted not to use the flying insect spray, so we grabbed the hose and soaked them so they couldn't fly. By this point we assumed there was a nest close by. We kept working and then B found the nest of Bumble Bees. It was a disaster but no one got stung so instead we decided to dig a trench to lay down some brick for his Grandad. The following week we made a second attempt at the wood pile. Same thing. The nest was in some decomposing wood that had started to mulch at the bottom of the pile. We have yet to finish the wood pile. Any suggestions on how to get rid of them without a slaughter?
Camp reunion at Commie's place was great. I love being able to see everyone and meet older staff members. I miss everyone. Camp last year was one of the most defining experiences for me. It brought a light to just about everythign in my life. Thank you.
So far thats it except working at the auction. Yay.
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